Cultivating partnerships between healthcare providers and domestic violence advocates to promote survivor’s health and safety.

IPV and Health
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health problem of epidemic proportions, impacting 1 in 4 U.S. women and 1 in 7 men. IPV contributes to injuries, chronic health issues, and high risk health behaviors.
Building Partnerships
Health centers and domestic and sexual violence advocacy organizations can partner to support survivor health and prevent violence. Through cross-trainings and warm referrals, providers and advocates are able to provide comprehensive coordinated care for survivors and their families.
Health Professionals
Health providers have an unprecedented opportunity to provide universal education on healthy relationships, assess patients for IPV, and intervene if abuse is identified. This can improve health and decrease risk for violence.
Domestic and Sexual Violence (DV/SV) Advocates
Advocates are in a unique position to intervene and reduce health consequences related to IPV, as entering domestic violence programs may be the first time survivors have had space to address health and wellness.
Our Intervention
Evidence-based interventions are available. We advocate that health care providers educate all their patients on the health impact of violence, offer tailored health promotion strategies and resources, and provide warm referrals if the patient discloses abuse.

Providing care for a child means caring for their whole family.
Supporting parents and caregivers is a critical part of supporting children’s health and wellbeing. Pediatric clinical settings provide unique opportunities for supporting families experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV).
As pediatric health care providers, addressing caregiver IPV aligns with the mission of pediatrics. We can focus on supporting safety, healing, and wellbeing for survivors and the whole family.