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IPV is a leading health issue

The effects of violence can be long lasting and severe


Survivors are 4x more likely to use an intervention after talking with a provider about abuse



1 in 4 women experience intimate partner violence (IPV)

Rates can be even higher for LGBTQ and other marginalized communities


Survivors are more likely to experience asthma, chronic pain, diabetes and more

The Issue

More prevalent for women in the US than breast cancer and diabetes combined, IPV has significant adverse health impact, but studies show that health professionals can make a difference in preventing violence and supporting survivor health.

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Get PDF downloads and print copies of all of our resources at the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence.


The Link Between Intimate Partner Violence and Health

IPV can have long term health impacts across all lines of race, socio-economic status, gender, sexuality etc. Providers need to know about the nature of abusive relationships, their impact on health and how to help.

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