This IPVHealthPartners toolkit was developed by Futures Without Violence with input from 10 community health centers and 10 partnering domestic violence advocacy programs that participated in the national pilot project, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention.
In July, 2020 Futures Without Violence was newly funded by HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care to operate Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation as a National Training and Technical Assistance Partner. Health Partners on IPV + Exploitation, offers health centers training on trauma-informed services, building partnerships, policy development, and the integration of processes designed to promote prevention and increase the identification and referral to supportive services for individuals at risk for, experiencing, or surviving intimate partner violence, human trafficking and exploitation. We offer free resources and educational programs including webinars and learning collaboratives. Learn more: https://healthpartnersipve.org/
IPVHealthPartners toolkit continues to be a go-to resource for health centers and partnering DV agencies/CBOs. The content is regularly updated to reflect newer tools and approaches on IPV/HT/E.
Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention engaged 10 community health centers and domestic violence programs that worked together to promote the safety and health of survivors of domestic violence seeking their services.
The project was initiated in 2015 with three pilot sites in Washington, DC; Scott Depot, WV; and Mobile, AL – with staff at three health centers and three partnering domestic violence programs. From there it expanded to 7 other local communities in Brockton, MA; Davis, CA; Cedar Rapids, IA; Providence, RI; Nogales, AZ; Westchester, PA; and Tillamook, OR.
Following the pilot, the project was scaled up and expanded to states and territories, nationally as part of Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health, IPV and Trafficking. Project Catalyst was a multi-year effort that engaged more than 1,000 health and advocacy professionals across eleven states and several Pacific Islands (2017-2021). Learn more here.
Improving Health Outcomes and Project Catalyst were supported through a collaboration of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) agencies, including the Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) Family and Youth Services Bureau, the HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care, and the HRSA Office of Women’s Health. Technical assistance and training was provided by FUTURES, with an evaluation conducted by the University of Pittsburgh.